Managing Respiratory Symptoms

So you’ve read our article on staying healthy over winter, but you got sick anyway. That’s life – we do our best to look after ourselves, but sometimes our bodies need a bit extra. Maybe they’re telling us to slow down and rest, or maybe we need to have a clean out. Treat early Stop.Continue reading “Managing Respiratory Symptoms”

Case study – Whooping cough

This client didn’t go to a doctor for a diagnosis, but the symptoms were consistent with whooping cough or 100 day cough. This what he did to treat his symptoms. Lifestyle Plenty of rest Propped up on a wedge as much as possible Kept hydrated Vitamins Other Nutritional Essential oils Energy healing Results There areContinue reading “Case study – Whooping cough”

Staying Healthy Through Winter

A couple of our recent articles covered some ways to maintain health year round. A March article was all about good dental health. Our February article Back to School or Work Health Tips covered: As winter approaches, adding in some other good habits can help build immunity, reducing the chance of a respiratory illness, orContinue reading “Staying Healthy Through Winter”